2nd Project Meeting RyTHM in Corfu: Photos
04/10/19 | News, News & Events, Past Events, Press, Publications
The second project meeting of the cross- border cooperation project “RyTHM- Fostering Creativity and Connecting Cultural Assets through Monuments” was successfully held on 30th of September in Corfu. The meeting was organized by the Municipal and Regional Theatre of Corfu with the participation of representatives from the Ephorate of Antiquities of Corfu and the Municipality of Finiq, Albania. The meeting was held at the conference room of the Ephorate of Antiquities in the Old Fortress.

2nd Project Meeting RyTHM in Corfu
26/09/19 | News, News & Events, Press, Publications, Upcoming Events
The Municipal and Regional Theatre of Corfu is organizing the second project meeting of the cross- border cooperation project “RyTHM- Fostering Creativity and Connecting Cultural Assets through Monuments”. The meeting will take place on Monday 30th of September in Corfu, at the conference room in the premises of the Ephorate of Antiquities in the Old Fortress.

Dance and Music Performance Nikos Kazantzakis “TERTSINES” (ΤΕΡΤΣΙΝΕΣ) in the Old Fortress of Corfu.
26/09/19 | News & Events, Past Events, Press, Publications
In the framework of the project “Fostering Creativity and Connecting Cultural Assets through Monuments” (RyTHM) of the INTERREG IPA CBC Greece-Albania 2014-2020, the Municipal Regional Theatre of Corfu in cooperation with the Ephorate of Antiquities of Corfu presented on Sunday, September 8 the music and dance performance “TERTSINES”. The performance included the narration of poems based on Nikos Kazantzakis book “Tertsines”. The poems were composed by Nikos Kazantzakis during 1932-1937. They ma…

Music and Dance performance “SCHEMATA a site-specific performance” in the Old Fortress of Corfu
26/09/19 | News, News & Events, Past Events, Press, Publications
In the framework of the project “Fostering Creativity and Connecting Cultural Assets through Monuments” (RyTHM) of the INTERREG IPA CBC Greece-Albania 2014-2020, the Municipal Regional Theatre of Corfu in cooperation with the Ephorate of Antiquities of Corfu presented on Thursday, September 5, the music and dance performance “SCHEMATA a site-specific perform ance” in which four female performers tell their personal stories in opposition to the historical scene and time around them. A specially d…

Photos from the performances of the play “Brawling in Chioggia”
26/09/19 | News, News & Events, Past Events, Press
The performances of the play “Brawling in Chioggia” organized by the Municipal Corporation of Corfu in collaboration with the Ephorate of Corfu Antiquities within the framework of the RYTHM project were successfully completed. The performances took place in July 2019 in the upper level of the Savorgnan Bastion in the Old Fortress of Corfu. The natural scenery of the Bastion created the ideal setting for the presentation of Carlo Goldoni’s comedy. The play was presented in a translation from Vene…