Installation of new footbridge in the Old Fortress of Corfu
09/09/19 | News, News & Events, Press
In the framework of the sub-project for the “Enhancement of the Bastion Front in the Old Fortress of Corfu”, funded by the cross-border project RyTHM, the Ephorate of Antiquities of Corfu has installed a new metallic footbridge in the area of the marine trench in the Old Fortress of Corfu. The new footbridge, measuring 12,40 m long x 1,50 m wide, joins the two sides of the marine trench in the Old Fortress of Corfu and allows safe access for visitors and the organization of cultural events in t…

“Brawling in Chioggia” at the Old Fortress of Corfu, 28th to 30th of July at 21:30
12/07/19 | News, News & Events, Press, Publications
In the framework of project RYTHM funded by the Territorial Cooperation Programme INTERREG IPA CBC Greece-Albania 2014-2020, the Municipal and Regional Theatre of Corfu and the Corfu Theatrical Stage will present Carlo Goldoni’s play “Brawling in Chioggia”. A delightful comedy of misunderstandings, translated in Corfu dialect. ENTRY FREE Limited number of spectators. For reservations daily from 10.00-14.00 at 2661040136. Translation- Adaptation: Ioanna Xitiri Direction: Nota Darmani Stage sets:…

“Brawling in Chioggia”
09/05/19 | News, News & Events, Press, Upcoming Events
In the framework of project RYTHM funded by the Territorial Cooperation Programme INTERREG IPA CBC Greece-Albania 2014-2020, the Municipal and Regional Theatre of Corfu is organizing the theatrical performance “Brawling in Chioggia” (Le baruffe chiozzotte) based on the original playwright of Carlo Goldoni. The performance will be presented in the Savorgnan Bastion in the Old Fortress of Corfu. The play will be presented in a translation from the Venetian to the Corfu dialect. The Municipal and R…

Thematic Workshops, Municipal and Regional Theatre of Corfu
03/04/19 | News, News & Events, Press
The Municipal and Regional Theatre of Corfu has successfully implemented the thematic workshops in the framework of RyTHM project. The workshops took place from January 28th until March 14th including courses on theatre production, body expression, scene-costume design, theatrology, direction, stage design.

Opening event RyTHM: Results
11/02/19 | News & Events, Past Events, Press
PRESS RELEASE Opening event for the RyTHM project Funded by Interreg IPA CBC “Greece-Albania 2014-2020” The opening event of the project cross-border cooperation “RyTHM-fostering creativity and interconnection of cultural goods through historical monuments/Fostering Creativity and Connecting Cultural Assets through Monuments» was successfully held on 8 February 2019, in Corfu. The event was organized by the Ephorate of Antiquities of Corfu, Lead Beneficiary of the project. The aim of the event…